Tallinn School of Economics student profile

Our learner is an adult, whose average age is nearly 31 years old, and who must be able to effectively combine studying at school with both their work and family life.

The study takes place as follows:

  • Evening study: from Monday to Thursday between 5.15 pm and 9:30 pm according to the timetable.
  • Session study: sessions take place 2-3 times a month. During the session, lecture classes take place in the school between 8.30am and 9pm

Teaching takes place as follows:

  • 75% of the lectures of one subject must be attended. 
  • The volume of independent work is 2/3 of the volume of the subject (e.g.: 1 EKAP ((vocational education credit point)) = 10 academic hours at school and 16 academic hours at home).
  • According to the VET standard, the volume of the internship is 25% of the curriculum volume (2-year study – minimum 30 EKAP / 585 hours).
  • By the end of the academic year, at least 45 EKAP out of the total 60 EKAP must have been completed in order to continue studies in the next course.
  • In order to graduate from school, you must pass a vocational examination or, in the absence of a vocational examination, a final examination (VET standard).